My Projects

This portfolio

A portfolio in plain HTML CSS, an attempt at keeping it responsive without reliance on bootstrap.

License Plate Recogition System

License Plate Recogition reduces the need for manual number plate checks at checkpoints like toll plazas and administrative entry points. The system recognises and crops the plates for effective crosschecking, while adding them to the database records too.

Supermarket Management System

It is an SQL based system for managing a supermarket's customers' and employees' database. THe UI is built using the python tkinter module. It can be used to perform CRUD operations on the database.

The Essential Shopping List

It's an Android app that lets you keep track of your shopping list.

Spam Messages Filtering

An ML spam filtering system for text messages using python. nltk (natural language toolkit) and TFIDF vectorizer is used for handling the NLP and feature extraction. It is trained on a dataset of over 3000 sample messages labelled as either spam or not. first the data preprocessing is done to prune the dataset to turn it into an ideal dataset. It uses SVM, KNN, DecisionTree and NaiveBayes classifiers for prediction, and has an accuracy over 90%.

Terminal Sudoku

A lightweight 3x3 command line sudoku for the coders. It generates, as well as solves given sudoku maps.